Hamilton County
Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District was awarded a grant from New York State Pollution Prevention Institute Community Grants Program and used FLLOWPA funds as part of the match in support the Hamilton County Green Infrastructure Demonstration Project.
The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District (District) implemented several Green Infrastructure Demonstration Projects at our office building to offer the public and municipalities the chance to see the installation and use of Green Infrastructure stormwater practices, while capturing and reusing the stormwater runoff from our facilities. This provides an excellent educational tool to illustrate and promote the numerous benefits of rain gardens, bioswales, and rain barrel systems.
The Green Infrastructure Demonstration Project illustrates how individuals can implement stormwater pollution practices on their own property or at their municipality. As the number of rain gardens, bioswales and rain barrels increases, water quality and quantity that are essential for Hamilton County’s robust ecosystems and healthy communities will be protected.
Two rain barrels, a rain garden, a bioswale, a pollinator garden, and a vegetable garden were installed. Signs with QR codes describe each green infrastructure element. Guided and self guided tours are available and a video of viewing.
Cost: Grant paid $14,967 and FLLOWPA funds contributed $4,000 of in kind services
Partners: Lake Champlain Lake George Regional Planning Board, Hamilton County Highway Department
Onondaga County
Onondaga County conducted water chestnut control practices in the Three Rivers system with the focus on the Seneca River, in part using FLLOWPA funding.
Cost: Total project costs in the past two years are approximately $80,000. The vast majority of recent funding (2014-15) for this project has been Federal Aquatic Nuisance Species Grant funds ($63,000). FLLOWPA funding contributed the other ~$17,000.
Seneca River West of Route 690
2007 Pre-treatment |
Seneca River West of Route 690
2015 Post-treatment |
Partners: Private citizens and business interests have either allowed river access or provided boat transportation for sampling requirements. Sampling was also assisted by the Onondaga County Soil and Water Conservation District and the New York Canal Corporation providing boat transportation. The Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District is a co-partner with Onondaga County in the overall water control program in the Three Rivers system.
Oswego County
During the 2014 field season, the Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District successfully treated 67 acres of forest invasive and interfering vegetation with herbicides on Oswego County Reforestation property. The control work was conducted with the intent of establishing native tree and herbaceous species. This ensures forest sustainability and maintains both tree and ground cover to continually provide the water quality benefits realized from a mature forest.
Cost: $21,240.00; FLLOWPA funds contributed $14,400 and USDA Forest Service contributed $6,840
Partners: USDA Forest Services, Chase Enterprises – contractor